Enabling VSCO’s Creator’s Community to “Come Closer”
The VSCO Creators’ Community is unique: members seek inspiration from one another on a platform famously
devoid of “likes”, cultivating experimentation and a love of the process.
When VSCO came to us with a community engagement brief, we saw an opportunity to create an experience
where they could connect — IRL — while doing they loved best : experimenting with photography.
We built two macro photography labs, complete with an extensive library of paints, oils, solvents, petri-dishes,
and high powered cameras. VSCO members spent hours dreaming up visuals they shared with one another,
and on their social feeds.
The pop up labs ran for one night only in Shoreditch, London, and Bowery, New York, and was attended by an overwhelming RSVP.
Testing in the office before the event. We spilled a large pot of Indian Ink all over the carpet and were never allowed to do anything remotely that fun again.
Special Thanks To :
Oliver Hogan for art directing and organising the construction of these bespoke labs in two cities.
Maggie, Mal, Hugo, Suki, Anna, James, Masa, and anyone from AKQA who made this possible.
Ray Spears aka Rayneutron for the gorgeous event photography.
The good people at VSCO for giving me the trust, and opportunity to make this happen.
And of course, everyone who came down and made it a great event. Hope to see you soon!